Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bulan Puasa

hahaha jiwang sket pagi-pagi ni....sebab melayan mata aku yg kelat bangat nih! serius rase nk tersungkur kepala ni atas meja ni ha~ pas2 ngan aksi mamai aku yg ala2 lawak pagi td sbb tym bangun sahur kn..hahaha terok aku kene gelak ngan bebudak ni...sbb depa ckp laen aku dgr laen..mau xkene gelak..kalo sekali xpe lah jugak smpai 3kali..last2 aku senyap jelah layan makan nasik 2..hehehe kalo xmakan..aku jugak yg xbertenaga nk kejor bas ptg nnt kan..maybe sbb aku mkn ubat selesema + batok mlm 2..maybe dadah dia lom abes di gunakan badan maseh ade kesan lagi lah kn..2 yg aku weng semacam jek..seb baek pagi td tren dah OK...xmcm ptg smlm..hak22

erm menatang aku bace kat "Bulletin board" frenster..mcm best lak nk wat..even xkene tag kn..aku mo buat jugak!!

THINK BACK TO 4th or 5th year high school.
Let's see how much you remember & how much you regret..

1. What class were you?
> 5 Zainab 2 – Kelas sains xberapa pandai k![ade 2 kelas jek, aku kelas yg last] Tp aku sukak..sbb kelas plg best mase form 5 2..hehehe
2. Who were your seatmates?
> Jedd, Audi & Mardiah..hehehe geng gossip paling belakang sekali
3. Still remember your english teacher?
> Of course aku ingat, Puan Lila~~~~merangkap guru kelas kn.
4. What was your first class?
> Roll call at 7.00am [awal giller] nyanyi asma’ ulhusna..rindunyer zaman ni~~~
5. Who were your best[classmates]?
> aku rase dlm class..jedd & audi..pas2 tym mlm berpartner ngan fazz lak..hehehe tp aku rase aku sume bdk class aku adalah the best classmate I ever had..hak33…24org jek pon!
6. Who was your crush back theN?
> Ade ke? Sekolah aku sume perempuan k!
7. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
> hehehe aku ade sorang tym sekolah..but dia bkn 1 sekolah ngan aku…but kami break off mase aku nk trial SPM..hampesss~~
8. How was your class schedule?
> Monday-Friday [morning start with roll call, class until afternoon, after that going back to hostel for lunch+zohor & cont for Prep+riadah lepas 2 solat jemaah maghrib+isya’ pas2 sambung prep blk pas2 blk tido..kalo sabtu lak…roll call, prep pagi, aktiviti bebas…ahad lak..kuliah subuh, Sunday duty, aktiviti kuak lentang]..hehehehe rindunye kat sekolah…

9. made any enemies??
> Enemies??? Hahaha mane aku tau kn..hehehe..ko tny lah pd ex-sharodzian

10. Who was your favorite teacher?
>Sume cikgu aku sukak…but..aku plg sukak..cikgu add math..sbb dia aku takot giller..xberani nk skip homework yg dia bg..kalo cikgu laen..aku selambe ayam jek xbuat kalo malas kn..

11. What sport did you play?
> ooo..aku main netball, kadang2 layan jugak volley ball..hehhee

12. Did u buy lunch?
> no need to buy lah..makan kat dining hall..mmg dah bayo siap2..heheh even kalo kari ayam aku jadik fobia kn [2 dulu skrg aku dah blh mkn kari ayam kembali] aku plg sukak daging ding ding + nasik ayam..hahahaa

13. Were you a party animal?
> Nope

14. Were you well known in your school?
> I don’t think so..aku low profile k! nobody knows me as khairunnisa..if "YUN"..aku rase depa kenai kot~~~

> Nak mampuih apa..skip class kang kene hafal surah an-nisa’ bawah lampu jln lak…tp percubaan nk skip 2 ade….berpura sakit kat bilik sakit..hahahaaha…

16. Did you get suspended/expelled?
> hehehe semestinye tidak kan..aku kn budak BAIK!

17. Can you sing the alma mater?
> Gapo dio ni? Kome cek google sndr ajolah~~~

18.What your favorite subject?
> Sume accept bilogy k! SSh betul nk hafal tang biology yg complicated 2. Pas2 tym SPM kene lak lukis mcm2 jenis rajah, kromosom lah, paya bakau lah [giller ingatan aku maseh kuat] sbb serius giller aku xtau nk jwb soalan 2 mcm mane..sudahnyer amik ko..aku bawak balik cangkul tok biologi.

19. What was your school's full name?
> Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (Agama) Sharifah Rodziah @ SMKASR @ SHARODZ [Sekolah plg best]..rindunyer kat sekolah~~~

20. Did you go to the dances?
> :p Mane ade dowh…sekolah aku kan sekolah agama.,nak mampuih ka? Taranum class aku ade join k!belajar ngan ustad ensem tp suami org tau..hehehe

21. Where did you go most often during breaks?
> Lepaking ngan membe2 sambil bergossip kat dorm sambil minum teh o dengan biskut hup seng [oooo..sangat sedap biskut 2!]

22. If you could go back in time and do it all over, or change something,would you?.
> Of corse lah aku nk kn..aku mo study bebetul jadik org pandai~~leh smbung belajak kat oversea..hehehe [impian tinggi melangit!]...ade 1 lg impian aku...erm aku nk buat sesi ulang tayang terjun dr aras 1 sbb nk larikan diri dr kene tangkap sbb xtrn bace al-ma'thurat ari jumaat tgh..hehehe :P [serius ngeri bile dipikirkan blk..ala2 terjun berani mati jek gaya nya]...pdhal kene tangkap jugak kesudahannya

Note: Ni lah kisahnye...aku mengantok thp dewa ni..seb baek xmamai lagik..kalo x...apelah aku merapu kat opis ni!!!


otak3suku said...

ai xsangke yu bdak skolah agama...hebat uols!...leh la bimbing kami semua yg jahil ni..auwww..especiali nyah mimi...soh dier pakai tudung cam uols..okei...

Yun said...

uiksss xterbimbing aku mimi 2 kene bimbing jadik manusia yg kenal erti baju melayu k!
sekolah jek name ilmu agama ku maseh lah sikit..aku pon perlukan bimbingan

Good Bye 2018

**pic from google