Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sepul balas balik

Tag dari Sepul [Ni blog dia] lah plak .. hurm

1.Someone tells you they love you, you say...
sape someone tu..meh tunjuk muka..aku hny mampooo ckp

2.If you won a lot of money on the lottery, what would you buy first?
lottery? WTH lah kn..haram ok!

3.Do you miss anyone?
My Mom [dah nk s3weeks xjumpe sbb aku xbalik]

4.Who was driving the last time you were in a car bas? [aku xnaik kete kan...kan
hehehe sape lagi kalo bukan pakcik bas kan ..di mana kejadian tu berlaku pagi td

5.Do you like your bed?
erm aku kesah ke pasal bed ni? suke atau tak..yang pasti aku mampu tido ngan nyenyaknye

6.Will this weekend be a good one?
erm i don think so...sbb xdek pape plan lagi

7.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months or more?
~ I dont thing so.. I always hoping it foreverrrrrr

8.How is your hair?
baser..xdek yg spesel..sbb dah 26 tahun ++ aku tgk rambut yg same [same pattern]

9.Do you like your life as of now?
of course..aku terime sedanya semua ketentukan yg dah ditetapkan

10.Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
ade...mintak2 lah mak call malam ni [ade mak aku kesah ke..sbb aku dah call dia last monday kn]

11.Do you drink coffee?

12.Does anyone call you babe or baby?
erm kawan aku..sume perempuan dia pgl babe

13.What were you doing yesterday at midnight?
TIDO lah

14.Do you like surprises?
kureng lah kot sbb aku takot nnt kene sakit jantung lak

15.What are your plans for the future?
erm aku penah plan ke? erm juz nak idup aman damai seadanya jek

16.Have you ever set foot in a tanning bed?
apo kobondo nyo ni eh?

17.Do you make your bed everyday?
xdelah jugak

18.Your best friend tells you she is pregnant what is your reaction?
wahhh...congratez my pren...[kompem lah aku gembirakan]

19.Do you like pasta?
xde lah sampai masuk list fav food aku kn..aku ni org kampong..list aku ala2 kampung lah kn

20.Whisper or shout?
shout lah kot

21.Swim or run?
run lah swin aku xreti

22.When did somebody tell you they loved you?
mak aku..bile tym sesi luahan ati..hehehe..ayah aku lak..xdek maknenye..ego ok!

23.Last person to annoy you?
erm 3 stooges yg kat bas berapa minggu yg lepas...

24.Do you wish your hair was shorter or longer than it currently is?
ntah..ape2 pon boleh..aku bkn free hair pon long as dia xbotak..aku consider ok lah tu...

25.Do you have a secret that less than 3 people know about?
ntah...ade lah kot

26.Have you ever had a phone conversation with someone who lived in a different state?
yupp..dulu kan selalu handle vendor dr oversea kn..even aku nye english hampehhh~~~~

27.Do you and your best friend have the same cell company?
yes & aku kn ramai

28.Are you good at persuading?
xkot..sbb jarang skali berjaya

29.Are there a lot of people in your house?
hahahaa ramai sbb umah sewa aku ade 6org...paling ramai penah ade..10org ok at one time k!

30.Does the same person call you every single day?
erm x jugak..if weekdays kompem lah opismate..weekend lak..dah org len kn..

31.Last call received from who??
En.rosli dr KBB, Sg.Limau [actually dia nak ckp ngan kak kak sharna kebana xmasok opis lg tym tu]

32.What are you doing tonight?
TV - citer ape ek.lupe..kang mlm aku tgk..pehtu aku tido

33.Do you have a guy friend you tell everything to?
erm dulu skrg xdek dah..sbb xleh kaco org dah kawen

34.Are you friends with more guys or girls?
ntah..same jek...bile dikire-kire

35. Tag 5 people
ayoo..5org ka...erm zam, zehan, ila, murni, cyana [kene gilir-gilir lah kan]

Tag from Dokter pulak

Ni TAG dari Dokter Asma' yg mane aku gelar dia dokter muda yg penuh emosi..hehehe...jgn mare yeaaa...nnt lagi cepat tua..xdek org nak lak..kih88*

Tag: "Things I Can't Stand"

The rules : List at least 5 things "Things I Can't Stand" & tag your friends.

Bek lah doc...saya jwb ur tag..seb bek ko 1st tym men tag aku kn..

5 bende tu adalah...

  1. org yg xtepati masa/mungkir janji [asik-asik dia jek yg lmbt]
  2. toilet penoh [parking full aku leh trime bab toilet nih..parah nihh]
  3. tiket bas balik melaka abis...[wawawa rase nak meraung jek sbb penat oo berjln ke PUDU tu]
  4. dok umah sorang-sorang pehtu xleh tido [mmg rase nk bakar jek rumah tu]
  5. sakit GG [owh ni lah penyakit plg guwe xleh thn setakat nih]

ok abes sudah...nak 5 jek kn...

alah kene tag org jugak ke?..ok yg di tag seperti list kat bawah ni:-

  • mira
  • DD
  • sepul
  • sarah

kite tukor2 org lah kn..hik22..selamat menjawab tag itu yeaaaaa


Diam itu indah
Senyap itu muhasabah
Sepi itu malam
Gelap itu blackout daaaaaaa

aku mmg kene dok diam-diam dalam kesepian poket ku, di mana aku hanya mampoo utk senyap tanpa bersuara di dalam Gelap dunia aku sndr

ape lah yg aku merapu kan ni lah....ape yg pasti..aku kechiwaaaaa cek account bank..."GAJI XMASOK LAGI!"

xpe kene bersabar lagi...esok masih ada..kesengsaraan akan berakhir esok ok .. huwaaaaaaa ... menanti esok yg penuh gemilang...

Nota kaki: len kali..tolong lah...jgn bg gaji awal sgt ok! hahaha
pd diri aku lak - sila berjimat cermat ok!

Good Bye 2018

**pic from google